There comes a time in life where you lose interest in everything and you might feel disinterested and unable to motivate yourself to do anything. You wake up in the morning and hit the snooze button and throw the covers over your head or accidentally throw the alarm clock on the floor. This time you are not moving and this is the stage when you realise that you’ve had it and TODAY is the day to make a decision to change your life. We’ve all been there and sometimes we can feel hopeless when nothing is working even though we continue to give more and achieve more. Sometimes you don’t see change because actually nothing has changed and you are stuck in a rut experiencing lifestyle fatigue. There is no need to feel scared as change is a good thing and allows us to grow and reach our full potential. If you are wondering if you are ready for changes in your life, here are 5 signs that you are ready for growth and lifestyle change:
- You feel stuck: If you are feeling like nothing works anymore then you are probably going round in circles trying to figure out what you can do differently. You may be going through a challenging time in your job or career and you no longer resonate with the work you are doing and you have done everything you can to change your routine. Your family and friends no longer seem to understand why you are not happy with your ‘perfect career’ in their opinion. When life is inviting you to grow and start your new strategies for your new journey, nothing will make sense. Are you listening to your intuition?
- You are bored: You are tired of feeling bored of having the same conversations with the same people and experiencing the same situation. You feel that you have changed and you are no longer interested in the same topics that you were interested in perhaps 5 years ago. Your soul is calling you to try something different and your intuition is telling you that there must be something more than just getting by each month and paying the bills. You are tired of waking up to a day filled with repetitive tasks and not having enough time to do what you love.
- You have new goals: You’ve got big dreams and you realize that things in your current situation need to change. You might want to quit your job, leave a relationship, write your amazing story or travel around the world. Whatever it is, in order for your dreams to become a reality, you need to accept that change is possible and needs to happen. For example, if you are in the office staring at your screen for 7 hours a day and thinking of the sunrise and sunset somewhere in Bali, life is calling you to be somewhere else and not stuck behind a computer screen in a soul destroying job.
- Your relationships are not working: You might feel that your relationship with your partner is no longer working and that spark that had your heart racing in the past is not the same for you anymore. You have grown apart and you want different things and your goals have changed. Your relationships with family and friends seem distant and they no longer understand your reasons that you want different things. Their conversations have no meaning for you anymore and they don’t support your need for adventure and creativity. Your need for a new lifestyle can be difficult for them to accept as humans are run by habits and it can be tough to change them. You are vibrating on a new frequency when you want to change your life and it can be difficult for relationships, family and friends to accept the new you.
- Everything feels wrong: You’ve been thinking of making changes to your life for a while and everything has continued to fall apart and feel wrong. You have had enough of feeling this way, enough of the frustration, the brain fog, the empty conversations draining your mind and soul. One day you wake up and think that this is ENOUGH and you are ready to rewrite your life story. You realize that you are ready for happiness, abundance and all the success that you deserve in this life. That feeling of ‘enough is enough’ and the pain that you experience to reach this stage is the catalyst to change your life. You are ready to create a life you love and you are worth it.
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
carl jung