Do you start your morning with a smile, happy to be alive to experience another day or do you put your pillow over your head, shout at the alarm whilst pressing the snooze button for the third time and say, “oh no, here we go again, I need to get up now!” I don’t like mornings as I’m a night owl but I realised that how we spend our first few hours of the morning can set our mood for the rest of the day. Since I started working from home a few years ago, I started a morning ritual that makes every day feel like it’s the best day of my life. I start my morning with positive thoughts and grateful for another day to create the life of my dreams.
Mornings have become the best time of the day for me as I have learned to do things in a leisurely way. When I wake up I usually spend another 5 minutes moving and stretching my body slowly until I am fully awake. I start to think positive thoughts and feel grateful for another day to live my dreams and I say out loud, “today is going to be the best day of my life.” Then I get up and walk to the bathroom mirror, look at my messy just got out of bed look and say, “I love you, you are beautiful, you deserve the best in life.” I go to the kitchen and make my breakfast and take it back to bed. I have a laptop bed tray as I spend at least 2 hours in my bed before I get up and face the rest of the day. I look at my garden as I’m eating my breakfast and I listen to the sounds of the birds and I feel lucky to experience this every day.
I then start writing 3 things that I’m grateful for in my journal, and a page of positive affirmations about my goals and dreams. As I’m writing I visualise what my future will look like and I feel happy that I will achieve everything on my list. It’s important to create a mental image in your mind of your future as this creates the positive energy to allow your goals to manifest into your reality. Then, I close my eyes for a short meditation focusing on my breath for 10 minutes. Afterwards, I am ready to look at my schedule, check my emails and write my tasks for the day. It is time to get out of bed, go for a walk or run and return and start working in my home office. I work from home and set my own schedule but if you are a busy Mom or Dad and have to organise the children and get to work early, it’s important to give yourself enough time for self-care. If you can try and wake up earlier as even if you give yourself 15 minutes, it is YOUR time and it is essential to start your day off in the right way.
It’s important to choose a ritual that feels good for you. I have noticed many positive changes in my life since I started my morning ritual. If you start the day with love and positive affirmations, you will start to create a beautiful future.